Learn C# and .NET
C# basic coding course

This course is for beginners. Topic and depth of the course covers the area most universities teach about programming in C# and using .net.
You will learn how to program in C#, but you’ll need further education to get a job with this knowledge.
Available languages: English, Spanish, Dutch, Italian and Hungarian.
C# + . NET coding course description
The family of C programming languages is statistically the most important class of languages as was found in in 2022, along with Java and Python, but C# is growing faster than each of them. It’s also known as one of the most matured and sophisticated programming languages. These advantages will make it even more popular in the future.
Some common areas where the C# language is used:
- Windows desktop applications: C# is a popular choice for building Windows desktop applications such as tools, games and system utilities.
2. Web applications: C# can be used to build server-side web applications using the ASP.NET framework.
3. Mobile apps: C# can be used to develop native mobile apps for iOS, Android and Windows using frameworks such as Xamarin and Unity.
- Games: C# is often used to create games, especially for Windows and Xbox platforms.
5. Cloud applications: C# can be used to develop cloud-based applications using Azure and other cloud platforms.
6. Internet of Things (IoT) applications: the C# language can be used to build applications for IoT devices and systems.
Overall, C# is a versatile programming language that is widely used across industries and applications.
Topics / Curriculum of the course
1. Introduction to the .NET framework
2. Developer environment (Visual Studio)
Appearance analysis
3. Basic C# programming operations:
Operators (value passing, testing, logical)
Constants and variables
Array, matrix
Type conversions
4. First C# project and solution from the basics
Solution, Project concepts
Program categories
Base generated code
Using Console
Branches (if, switch)
Loops (while, do while, for, foreach)
5. Procedural programming
How it works
6. Sorting
Simple replacement
Minimum selection
7. Text file management, stock and text management
Read from file, write to file
Text functions
CSV handling
File management, folder management
8. Summary of what you have learned so far
Summary lesson
Questions and answers
9. Exam from the first part
Examination (mini project)
10. OOP programming in .NET framework
Objects (instances)
Unit closure
Data access
Code redevelopment
Real world model implementation
11. Object orientation in practice in C#
Creation and structure of the department
Visibility levels
12. The role of static class, method, variable in C# programming
Static class and its usage
Static elements and their usage
13. Advanced data structures
14. Windows Forms Application, .NET GUI
Using Winforms
Windows, dialogs
Custom windows
Dynamic components
Rewriting a Donkey Kong game in C#
During the beginner course, among other projects, we will work with students to create a Winforms GUI based game in C#, the classical Donkey Kong’s demo.
15. Extensions
Type extension
Method override
16. Abstract and closed classes
17. SOLID principle and exce
ption handling
Runtime errors avoidance
Own exception handling
Adherence to programming principle
Further education
Once you completed this course, we strongly recommend to continue on our advanced class. Only the advanced class gives you the depth of knowledge you’ll need to get a job as C# developer.
Price and lenghth of the Course
The duration of the course: 93 lessons, over 4 month (15 weeks of education and 2 weeks to prepare your home exam project)
Price: 1165 EURO
(In case of monthly installments: 330 EURO x 4)