Traning fees
1. You get hands-on training
Learn Python and SQL 1165 €
Duration of the Python course, including SQL: 102 lessons, 17 weeks = 4 months (In case of monthly installments: 330€ x 4)
Django coding course 598 €
The duration of the Django coding course: 48 lessons, 8 weeks. (In case of monthly installments: 340 € x 2 month)
Python Back-end Developer Training 1799 €
174 lessons (29 weeks). In case of monthly installments: 292 € x 7 month
Python Data Analysis Training 1799 €
174 lessons (29 weeks). In case of monthly installments: 292 € x 7 month

2. You can learn full-stack web developer training and much more
Full-stack Web Developer Training 2570 €
The duration of the Full-stack Training: 250 lessons, over 10 months (In case of monthly installments: 290€ x 10 month)
Webdesign - HTML & CSS coding course 798 €
The duration of the HTML / CSS course: 75 lessons, over 13 weeks (In case of monthly installments: 299€ x 3 month)
Backend coding course: MySQL + PHP database developer 875 €
The duration of the back-end course: 75 live lessons, over 13 weeks. (In case of monthly installments: 330€ x 3 month)
JavaScript coding course inc. TypeScript 1175 €
The duration of the JavaScript coding course: 100 lessons, over 17 weeks. (In case of monthly installments: 330€ x 3 month)
Learn React 875 €
The duration of the React course: 75 lessons, over 13 weeks (+exam). (In case of monthly installments: 330€ x 3 month)
Angular coding course 875 €
The duration of the Angular coding course: 75 lessons, over 13 weeks (+exam). In case of monthly installments: 330€ x 3 month
Vue.js coding course 875 €
The duration of the Vue.js coding course: 75 lessons, over 13 weeks (+exam). In case of monthly installments: 330€ x 3 month
Front-end Web Developer Training 2570 €
The duration of the Front-end Web Developer Training: 250 lessons, over 10 months (+exams). In case of monthly installments: 290€ x 10

3. Code any device with C# and .NET tranings - IT course
C# basics and .NET coding course 1165 €
93 lessons over 4 month (15 weeks of education + 2 weeks preparing home exam project). In monthly installments: 330€ x 4
C# advanced coding course 1165 €
93 lessons over 4 month (15 weeks of education + 2 weeks preparing home exam project). In monthly installments: 330€ x 4
C# Full-stack Traning 2655 €
This training includes the skills to build mobile applications too. Duration: 10 month, 236 live lessons. In case of monthly installments: 295€ x 10

"At FroggyCode, we believe that ..
the time and attention spent improving one's skills pays off. It’s never too late to learn a new trade. We are convinced that anyone who is interested in programming and motivated to learn can complete our IT courses. "