Learn Python - Python class for beginners

Our Python course is for beginners. This is a practice based developer course.
Available languages: English, Spanish, Dutch, Italian and Hungarian.
Python coding course description
Python is a general-purpose, very high-level programming language which is becoming more and more popular in software development every year. The level of abstraction in this programming language is quite high, but despite this, and in fact because of it, the syntax of the language is probably the easiest of all the programming languages used for software development.
Learning to program in Python takes a fraction of the time needed to learn C or Java.
Our Python programming course will prepare you to use the program in general, to use Python as a back-end and finally to learn how to solve various practical problems with Python.
The secondary goal of the course is to prepare you to learn the most popular technologies in the market: database processing with SQL, desktop application development with PyQt, web
development and api development with the Django framework or even Data Engineer skills with
several additional Python packages.
Another big advantage of learning Python is that it is one of the easiest programming languages to learn, so if you have never been programming before, Python will give you the taste of programming and you will be able to handle more difficult programming languages later.
Python is an essential part of OOP (Object Oriented Programming) programming and is therefore
classified as an advanced/modern programming language. The Python course is a great opportunity to understand object-oriented thinking which is a key part of modern programming.
No prior programming knowledge is required to take the Python course!
What you’ll learn
1. Introducing Python
History of Python
Features of the language
Versions, the differences between the versions
Object-oriented vs. structure-oriented approach
Uses of Python
Advantages and disadvantages of Python
2. Python – Installation and development environment
Installing Python
The importance of indentation (!)
Coding principles
Creating comments in code
Interactive vs. script mode
Hello world.py
Creating a virtual environment with virtualenv
Python identifiers
Reserved words (reserved words and forbidden characters in variable and operator names)
3. Python – Variables, data types
Variable declaration, initialization
Data types: string, boolean, numeric data types (int, long, float, complex)
Complex data types: list, tuple, dictionary, set
4. Python – Complex data types
List features – List operations
Definition of tuple – Tuple operations
Dictionary features – Dictionary operations
Set features – Set operations – Immutable objects.
5. Python – Operations with strings
slice operation
finding string position
string detail
string formatting
6. Python – Basic operators
arithmetic operations
comparison (==, =!, <,>, <=, >=)
bitwise operators
logical operators
difference between logical and bitwise operators
7. Python – Cycles and conditions
for loop
break, continue, pass
Comprehension: list, tuple, dictionary
8. Python – Functions
create, invitation
value and parameter passing
return values
9. Python – Modules
using and calling external and custom modules
global and local functions
10. Python – Error and exception handling
use of try-catch
built in exceptions
self defined exceptions
11. Python – Thread handling
reading a file
writing and modifying a file
various attributes of open, read, write, close command
use with
rename, overwrite
12. Python – Database management (Postgres)
psycopg2 installation
What is ORM?
Advantages and disadvantages of ORM
Basic database operations
Introduction to SQL and NoSQL databases
13. Python – Object Oriented Programming
class creation
object creation – instantiation
class vs. instance attribute
illustration of inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism
14. Python – Regular Expressions
match, replace, search functions
regular expression writing (regular expression patterns)
15. Version control and development environment
Course information
In the Python project task, we will gain insight into the use of Git, so we can make our development
version controlled.
We will learn about the world of Docker containers, which opens up the possibility of cross-platform
development and allows us to create a custom environment for complex developments.
Learning after Python
This Python course is an excellent way to enter the world of programming and the logical choice of the first programming language to learn. For others (for example researchers), this knowledge has become necessary for their work.
If you want to go further and get an IT job, learn about SQL databases and their management with
Python (1 month); building sophisticated desktop applications in PyQt framework system with
Pyside6 (1 month); and finally the science of web back-end and api development with the Django
framework (2 months).
On the other hand, if your job requires you to deal with large amounts and different types of data, or you simply want to work as a data engineer, the Data Engineer training course is the right choice for you (2 months).
SQL database extension
Most people learn Python programming with the SQL add-on. This is for a good reason. Python is
extremely popular wherever databases, statistics or statistical data extraction are involved. To use it in practice, you need to know the structure and operation of relational and non-relational databases themselves. A particular advantage is that this knowledge can be used alongside almost any programming language and is especially advantageous for many jobs (sometimes necessary) for jobs involving data management.
Introduction to database objects and Database design basics
SQL: DDL – Data Definition Language
SQL: DQL – Data Query Language
SQL: DML – Data Manipulation Language
SQL: DCL – Data Control Language (access management)
SQL course length: 24 lessons, 8 sessions (1 month)
Prices and Lessons
Duration of the Python course: 102 lessons
17 weeks = 4 months
Price: 1165 EURO
In case of monthly installments: 330 EURO x 4 months